Saturday, August 25, 2007

We are open for business again

It has been a long while since I last blogged - was on 25 February 2007 and was on 26th January 2007. I have been away on a long "sabbatical" to fight for my right to work and think independently; this fight is ongoing but I hope it will be resolved before too long.

I found that previously running two blogs (i.e. acenetica and luttrellica) in parallel was rather inconvenient because there was no clear separation between their subject matter, so I will now maintain a single blog (with comments) here at and occasionally link to detailed blogs (without comments) that I maintain in my own separate webspace.

This allows me to post much more detailed and useful material that I have generated using Mathematica, which can then be used by anybody who has previously downloaded the free Mathematica Player.

Usually I will not censor comments, but there are limits to what I will allow commenters to get away with, so I will censor rants, ad hominem attacks, etc. Just use your common sense when you post comments here.

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